Groundbreaking for Our Expansion Project
What a beautiful day to gather with friends, neighbors, and key leaders to celebrate the grounbreaking for the Clinton Street Community Center! With energy and excitement, with prayer and scripture, with kind words from our council president and preschool director and state senator, and with the help of kids eager to turn the dirt and “break ground”–we were glad to mark this stage in the life of this project. 139 S. Clinton Street will be used primarily to expand the ministry of The Highlandtown Preschool. 137 S. Clinton Street will be used to house refugee families, as the church supports them in establishing their lives here in Baltimore.
There is plenty of hard work ahead of us, and there will be several more milestones and opportunities to celebrate. But today was a good moment to take stock of how far we’ve come, share in the joy of being in community with one another, and give thanks for the efforts of so many people who help to make this possible.
Among many neighbors and guests, we were very glad to have with us Senator Bill Ferguson, Delegate Luke Clippinger, Delegate Brooke Lierman, and Delegate Robbyn Lewis! We are grateful for their support of the Clinton Street Community Center and of our beloved Highlandtown neighborhood.