The Highlandtown Preschool works with students and their families to develop the skills needed to successfully transition into kindergarten through a child-focused, play-based, nature-integrated curriculum, and by building strong family and community partnerships.

The Naomi Gieser Memorial Highlandtown Preschool at Breath of God Lutheran Church is a high quality early childhood education program serving students ages three to four years old. We value the diversity of the community we serve and strive to create an education program that incorporates the cultural and religious diversity of our students and families.
We believe that when families are engaged in their students’ learning and have access to resources to meet their basic needs, students get off to a strong start in their educational and personal development.
Upcoming Events
Feburary 7th, Board Game & Pizza Night, 6pm
February 8th, Painting Day, 9am
February 14th, Valentine's Day Party
February 16th, Ice-Skating at Patterson Park, 3pm
February 17th, President's Day--No Class
March 14th, Family-Teacher Conferences--No Class
March 28th, Staff Meeting--No Afternoon Class
April 5th, Kite Festival in Patterson Park
April 14th-18th, Spring Break--No Class
April 21st, Easter Egg Hunt, 10am
April 26th, Día del Niño Celebration in Patterson Park
May 4th, Orioles' Game, 1:30pm
May 16th, Spring Field Trip--No Regular Class
May 24th, Strawberry-Picking at Larriland Farm
June 5th, Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
June 6th, Art Show Fundraiser
June 11th, End of the Spring Term--Celebration!
June 16th, Beginning of the Summer Term
June 19th, Juneteenth--No Class
July 4th, No Class
Breath of God Lutheran Church
All are welcome to worship, serve, learn, and grow with our community-focused, family-oriented, progressive Christian community in Southeast Baltimore.