The Naomi Gieser Memorial Highlandtown Preschool
We believe that when families are engaged in their students’ learning and have access to resources to meet their basic needs, students get off to a strong start in their educational and personal development.
Mission: The Highlandtown Preschool provides high-quality and accessible early learning opportunities to the economically and culturally diverse families of Southeast Baltimore. Through a play based curriculum and with a strong focus on community, our students develop their social, emotional, academic and spiritual abilities.
Vision: The Highlandtown Preschool will help foster a Southeast Baltimore community where young learners from all backgrounds are prepared for success in school, where parents are informed and empowered to make educational decisions for their children, and where local residents and organizations work together to support families and students.
About Naomi Gieser: Ms. Na was a lifelong member of St. Paul and Breath of God Lutheran Church. She worked as a ministry professional in the church from 1946 until her retirement in 1988 (at a time when women were given few opportunities to work professionally in the Lutheran church), and continued to serve as a key leader of the congregation for the rest of her life. While a leader in many capacities in the congregation, in Highlandtown, and in the national Lutheran church, Na Gieser was particularly dedicated to the education and support of children and youth. Our school is named in her honor and in her memory, and we are dedicated to carrying forward her work of nurturing our young neighbors in Christian love and with a love for their community.