Installing Our New Lead Pastor!
The Installation of Our New Lead Pastor
La instalación de nuestra nueva pastora principal
Domingo + Sunday, December 8th
Worship at 3:00pm + Misa a las 3:00pm
Habrá una comida después + A meal will follow
Come celebrate with the community of Breath of God Lutheran Church as the Rev. Madeline Tallman is installed as the new lead pastor, the 13th person and first woman to serve in that role since our congregation was founded in Highlandtown in 1900.
A bilingual service will begin at 3pm, with Bishop Leila Ortiz preaching and Bishop William J. Gohl presiding. Our worship will be followed by refreshments and fellowship. Clergy are invited to vest – the color is blue.
Venga a celebrar con la comunidad de la Iglesia Luterana Soplo de Dios como la Rev. Madeline Tallman se instala como el pastor principal, la 13th persona y primera mujer que ocupa ese cargo desde la fundación de nuestra congregación en Highlandtown en 1900.
Un misa bilingüe comenzará a las 3pm, con la Obispa Leila Ortiz predicando y el Obispo William J. Gohl presidiendo. Nuestro culto será seguido por refrescos y compañerismo. Se invita al clero a vestirse de azul.